Paysage, stage photo dans le sud de la France - RaySun Photographe

5 days photo workshop

The 5-day course will deepen all aspects of photography : handling of the camera, shooting in various locations chosen according to your favorite topics, management and editing of images on the computer … You will create a photographic memory of your stay.

You will be in Provence , in South of France. I will welcome you in my village of Fontvieille, renowned for its famous Daudet windmill. This is where I will try to make you discover what the photographic act implies as a guardian of memory. 

By mastering your camera, you will learn photo techniques to use to your advantage. We also discuss shooting techniques and treatment that will help you achieve creative images.

After shooting, you will discover how to select your images on the computer, crop them, edit them, to tell if you like, a story in a personalized book .

Master the Camera

Enjoying photography and having invested in the purchase of a good camera, is fine, but mastering this strange machine and being able to adapt to the current light and the subject is better.


Level for your needs :

5 days photo workshop

Workshops can be an introduction to photography for beginners. You will discover how to control the camera, how to approach the subject in the frame and how to control the conditions of shooting : framing, light, composition.

For experienced photographers, they will discover alternative ways of shooting: long exposures and dynamic views, creative effects and techniques of image processing to optimize the result or create photomontages in a few clicks.


Contents :

  • Discovery of the camera and its various functions : speed, aperture, sensitivity, focal length, Autofocus.
  • Images of landscapes, architecture, reporting, portraits, macro photo …
    (depending on your favorite topics)
  • Dialogue about images of famous photographers
  • Shooting outside Arles, Saint Rémy de Provence, Avignon, Alpilles, Camargue … (depending on your choice)
  • Loading Images on your computer, selection , editing : image size, resolution, jpeg , raw …
  • Introduction to editing software images and photomontages
  • Creation of a book that will tell the story of your week with pictures and texts. (not included in the course price)

Needed equipment

  • Digital camera, if possible Reflex
  • USB stick with your favorite pictures
  • If possible, Laptop or tablet with an image editing software,  tripod.
Duration :
5 days from Monday to Friday (about 30 hours )
Hours :

9:30 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:00 ( times may fit your availability)

Number of students :
2-6 students
Spoken languages :
French, English, Spanish
Prices :
  • Workshop per person 5 days : € 500
  • For two people (couple or friends) Workshop 5 days : € 910
  • 260 € per child under 16 accompanied by an adult trainee




Calendar of scheduled courses

If you wish to do an internship on dates other than those proposed, make us your proposals, as far as possible, we will try to accede to your request.
15 July 2024
  • Stage Photo 1 jour #

    15 July 2024


18 July 2024
  • Stage 1 jour

    18 July 2024


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